Screw growing your email list at a snail's pace or selling your left kidney to pay for Facebook ads for a CHANCE to grow your list.

Instead embrace the guarantee "Bundle Effect" & stop wasting a million hours a week creating for social media that 89% of your followers won't even see:

After this free class you’ll know:

  • The exact process I used, to earn $14k hosting a FREE bundle (and it wasn't from launching a high ticket course after it either.)
  • Why, even if you're doing everything RIGHT, your list is STILL stuck at barely 500 subscribers if you're lucky. (Hint the gurus have been lying to you!)
  • How to go from 400 to 4000+ subscribers in less than one week (& this process is totally repeatable & requires you to only have an email service provider & a 2 page website.)
  • How to create a free or paid bundle that stands out and attracts people READY to buy.
"I want a big list!"


Kate Doster
From food stamps to a million dollar course business (even with typos.)

Kate is on a mission to prove you don't have to be perfect, you just have to love your people, embrace simple & magical things can happen.

Get ready to unleash the power of free & paid bundles

(But don't blame me when you have to upgrade your email service provider the 1st day because you're over your subscriber limit.)